What is the Safeguarding Children Partnership?
Safeguarding Partnerships support and enable local organisations and agencies to work together in a system where:
- there is a clear, shared vision for how to improve outcomes for children locally across all levels of need and all types of harm:
- there is a prompt, appropriate and effective response to ensure the protection and support of the child
- organisations and agencies are challenged appropriately, effectively holding one another to account
- the voice of children and families combined with the knowledge of experienced practitioners and insights from data, provides a greater understanding of the areas of strength and/or improvement within arrangements and practice
- information is sought, analysed, shared to understand outcomes for children and identify new safeguarding risks or emerging issues
- senior leaders promote and embed a learning culture which supports local services to become more reflective and implement changes to practice
- senior leaders have a good knowledge and understanding about the quality of local practice and its impact on children and families
Every partnership has three named Lead Safeguarding Partners. In Solihull they are:
- Chief Executive of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
- Chief Constable of West Midlands Police
- Accountable Officer for Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board
The delegated officers for the three lead safeguarding partners meet regularly as an Executive group to work together for the purposes of strategic decision making and to hold each other to account. The Executive group also includes representation from Education and Public Health in recognition of the important roles they have in ensuring effective multi-agency safeguarding arrangements in Solihull. A wider group of relevant safeguarding partners across Solihull are directly engaged with the work of the Safeguarding Children Partnership through membership of its sub groups. The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Solihull including the SSCP MASA Document and Subgroup Terms of Reference can be found here.
In December 2023, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 was published. A number of key provisions have been introduced in the updated guidance, this document provides more information on what they are.
Listening, Learning and Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People.
- Respectful Challenge
- Accountability
- Listening
- Learning
- Inclusion