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Voice of the Child

If you are a child or young person from Solihull reading this and would like to share your views and opinions about safeguarding with the Local Children Safeguarding Partnership, please email with the subject ‘my views.’ Please do not use this email if you need to access help and support.

The meaningful involvement of children and young people in decision making, evaluation, planning and delivery leads to services that are effective in meeting their needs. The following documents may assist professionals and agencies in ensuring the safe, sound and sustainable participation of children and young people in the services they take part in.

The Voice of the Child: Learning Lessons from Serious Case Reviews – this report provides an analysis of 67 serious case reviews evaluated by Ofsted. The main focus of the report is the importance of listening to the voice of the child.

How to Build a Culture of Participation – This how to guide will provide information and practical ideas on how to embed the participation of children and young people in your organisation.

Hear by Right: Standards for the Active Involvement of Children and Young People – this guide offers standards to organisations to map and improve practice and policy on the active involvement of children and young people and to encourage continual improvement in an organisation’s activities.

Engaging with younger children:

Let’s Listen – This resource is designed to support all those working with, and for, young children aged from birth to five in developing a listening culture within their services. It is a profiling and planning resource which can be used to record, evidence and plan for listening to young children.

The National and International Context of Listening to Babies and Young Children – research and practice review to see how far listening to babies and young children has been embedded across policies, guidance and resources.– the participation works website offers a gateway to a wideselection of information and resources related to the effective engagement of children and young people in decision-making.