Voice of the Child
The voice of the child refers not only to what children (including those who are pre-verbal and non-verbal) say directly but to their behaviour as a whole. Facilitating the child’s voice involves developing relationships and creating environments in which children feel comfortable and confident sharing their thoughts and experiences. It also means making sure that children’s views, opinions, and preferences are sought and listened to when decisions are made which impact their life.
Messages from Young People
Tools to capture the Voice of the Child
We have created a number of tools to aid practitioners from a range of agencies to capture the voice of the child. Each tool can be accessed below in colour or in black and white further down this page and can be downloaded and printed for use. These tools have been designed with different age groups in mind however, if you have any more ideas for tools please let us know by emailing sscp@solihull.gov.uk. In addition, the NSPCC have recently published (May 2024) a learning briefing around Voice of the Child which can be found here.