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Solihull All Age Exploitation Reduction

Solihull All Age Exploitation Reduction Strategy 2023 – 26

Solihull All Age Exploitation Reduction Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures 

Solihull’s All Age Exploitation Reduction Resources

Solihull All Age Exploitation Reduction Capability Framework


West Midlands (Metropolitan) Area Definition for Exploitation (all Age)

An individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive a child, young person or adult and exploits them:

a) through violence or the threat of violence, and/or

b) for financial or other advantage of the perpetrator or facilitator and/or

c) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants.

The victim may have been exploited even if the activity appears consensual. Exploitation does not always involve physical contact, it can also occur through the use of technology.

Solihull recognises that exploitation is deliberate maltreatment and manipulation irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, background or ability and sexuality and comes in many forms including:

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Sexual Exploitation

Criminal Exploitation 

It can also be:

Radicalisation and extremism

Domestic violence and abuse (forced marriage, honour based violence and FGM)

Sexual violence and abuse

Rogue trader, bogus callers and scammers

Position of Trust

Hate Crime

Although radicalisation and extremism, domestic abuse, sexual violence and abuse, rogue trader, bogus callers and scammers, position of trust and hate crime are also forms of exploitation, they have been placed out of scope in Solihull’s exploitation definition.  The rational for placing them out of scope is that although it is recognised such incidents can involve a degree or exploitation of the victim, they are either not primarily based on an exploitative relationship (i.e., hate crime) or already have statutory and well embedded processes for management (i.e. position of trust incidents). Radicalisation and extremism fall into the latter category, and also is primarily based upon political rather than personal gain.

What does Early Help look like when there are exploitation concerns?

Early Help for Exploitation