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Learning and Development

This awareness training is aimed to provide an introduction to safeguarding for staff who may work with vulnerable adults.

The E-learning will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Click here to access the Safeguarding Awareness E-Learning online

or click here for a PDF version 

Once completed click here if you wish to share any feedback

This webinar was delivered by West Midlands Police and included a case study presented by Solihull Community Housing.


By the end of the session people will:

  • Know the difference between a Domestic Violence Protection Notice (DVPN) & Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO)
  • Know who and how they are applied for
  • Understand when information can or cannot be shared with the wider multi-agency work force about DVPN/DVPOs
  • Know how multi-agency partners can support the response to DVPN/DVPOs

Click here to access the presentation

This webinar was part of a series of Exploitation webinars being delivered by SSAB, LSCP, and SMBC.

The aim of this webinar is to develop a shared understanding of exploitation risks amongst adults & children, and to acknowledge the important role ‘housing professionals’ play in the process of identification of exploitation and how they offer ongoing support to victims, as part of the multi-agency response to dealing with exploitation.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop a multi-agency understanding of exploitation in housing
  • To talk about what exploitation is universally
  • How Solihull Community Housing identify exploitation when investigating anti-social behaviour
  • What tools and powers are available to us to help us identify and ultimately tackle exploitation
  • Our approach to tackling exploitation
  • What type of exploitation we see in our tenancies/properties
  • Showcasing some of our successful intervention stories (case studies)
  • The ratio of new lettings/tenancies being provided to vulnerable applicants
  • How the increase in vulnerability amongst our tenants is leading to a higher risk of them being exploited and/or becoming involved in violent activity

You can access the presentation here

This webinar was part of a series of Exploitation webinars being delivered by SSAB, LSCP, and SMBC.

The session was delivered by Sarah Clift (BSol CCG), Dr Anjana Ranjit (BSol CCG), and Jo Leci (BSMHFT).

The aim of this webinar is to develop a shared understanding of exploitation risks amongst adults and children, and to acknowledge the important role ‘health professionals’ play in the process of identification, assessment and offer of ongoing support to victims as part of the multi-agency response to dealing with exploitation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Have awareness and understanding of the term exploitation
  • Have a clear understanding of the risk factors, signs and indicators of exploitation
  • Awareness of the role ‘health professionals’ play in tackling exploitation
  • Acknowledgement of who are the ‘health partners’ in responding to exploitation and their importance in practice
  • Recognise and understand the importance of multi-agency working when working with victims of exploitation
  • Sharing of thematic learning from local and national exploitation cases and recent audits

You can access the presentation here

You can access links and resources mentioned during the webinar here

This webinar is part of a series of Exploitation webinars being delivered by SSAB, LSCP, SMBC and WMP.

The session was delivered by Mark Nevitt; Locate Manager within the West Midlands Police missing department.

The session covered:

  • What is the locate team
  • How does locate work
  • What partners they work with and their roles & responsibilities around missing persons
  • How missing episodes is linked to exploitation
  • Why parents/guardians are reluctant to report people missing
  • Why Police FIB intelligence forms are important
  • How the National Referral Mechanism supports those who regularly go missing
  • A missing person case study

You can access the presentation on Google Docs, by clicking here

As part of Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 SSAB joined up with local partners and Research in Practice to provide this webinar.

The session was presented by Dez Holmes, director of Research in Practice.

The session covered:

  • What is transitional safeguarding
  • What this means in practice
  • Embedding this approach into practice
  • The importance of language

You can access the presentation, by clicking here

As part of Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 SSAB joined up with local partners and Care Quality Commission to provide this webinar.

This bite size training provided is based on the latest guidance from CQC on organisational abuse in care homes and institutions, and is based on learning from the experiences at Whorlton Hall, Winterbourne View, Mid Staffordshire Hospital and other institutions that failed to protect those in their care.

The session covered:

  • What led to their work on closed cultures?
  • What is a closed culture?
  • What are the risk factors?
  • How to identify a closed culture.
  • What are the warning signs?
  • What are the right questions to ask and at what time to ask them?
  • What should the response be?

This followed on from a session CQC provided during Safeguarding Adults Week 2020, which you can watch on YouTube by clicking here. 

You can access the presentation on Google Docs, by clicking here 

As part of a series of webinars produced across the West Midlands region by Safeguarding Adults Boards, SSAB joined up with RSVP to learn more about supporting survivors by being trauma responsive.

This included:

  • Exploring the prevalence of sexual violence, harassment and abuse
  • Myths surrounding sexual violence and abuse
  • Victim blaming attitudes and language
  • Examining the physical and emotional impact of trauma
  • Reflecting on the basic principles of ‘trauma-informed’ practice
  • Understanding ways of supporting survivors in a trauma responsive way


As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (15th June) SSAB held a webinar alongside Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid on ‘Domestic Abuse & Older Women’.

This was an interactive and informative session covering:

  • Myth busting around domestic abuse and older women
  • Some of the barriers to accessing support
  • How to ask direct questions
  • What is important to older survivors of domestic abuse
  • Anonymised examples from Women’s Aid’s work with older survivors

You can access the presentation on Google Docs, by clicking here 

Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Council provided this webinar to the West Midlands region.

It is 2 hours long and covers 3 presentations on the following topics:

  • Learning from Michael Preston Shoot’s analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews focusing on self-neglect
  • The case of Mrs M – Shropshire Council case
  • Assessing mental capacity in complex situations

A Q&A session followed.


Coventry City Council provided this webinar to the West Midlands region.

It provides an overview of relevant legislative framework including:

  • What is ‘well-being?
  • Making enquiries
  • What are ‘care and support needs’?
  • When is a SAR needed?
  • The duty of co-operation Transitions Practical tips for front line staff


This is a list of external free training resources to support frontline workers with their continued learning and development.

The topics cover a number of topics including aspects of the safeguarding process, assessing capacity from a distance and supporting victims of domestic abuse.

The resources are split into:

  • Introductory level – which are more suited to people new to the work of safeguarding adults
  • Experienced level – which are more tailored to people with knowledge and experience in safeguarding adults.

Free Online Training Resources

Waltham Forest Council developed this short 3 minute video at the start of Covid lockdown in 2020 to provide information to volunteers about child and adult safeguarding and what to do if they see something they are worried about. This video was used nationally during lockdown to support volunteers, and remains relevant for anyone starting a new volunteer or front line practice role where they may encounter safeguarding issues.

Click here to watch the video.


This presentation outlines the key details of the Domestic Abuse Act, which was passed into law in April 2021, including the 7 parts of the act:

  • Definition of Domestic Abuse
  • The Domestic Abuse Commissioner
  • Powers for dealing with domestic abuse
  • Local authority support
  • Protection for victims, witnesses, etc in legal proceedings
  • Offences involving abusive or violent behaviour
  • Miscellaneous and general

Domestic Abuse Act 2021 – Key Principles and Implications

West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership have made 3 free online recorded webinars available to watch

An introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma-Informed Practice

A free 3 hour training course which has been adapted into a webinar. The webinar is split into two sections of approximately 1.5 hours each.

This course offers something both for those who are new to ACEs as a concept and those with some existing prior knowledge. It is aimed at providing an introduction to the topic for those who work with children and young people AND those who work regularly with adults. The course explains the pros and cons of the ACEs model and sets this research into context.

Trauma-Informed Practice

This half-day training course has been adapted into a webinar. The webinar is split into three sections of between 1 and 1.5 hours each.

This course aims to reinforce the strengths and relationship-based practice many professionals will already engage in. The course contains a recap for those who have already completed the Introduction to ACEs and Trauma Informed Practice Training. It then goes into greater detail and depth on relevant psychological theory and trauma informed practice at an organisational level.

Please note that this training is designed to be a starting point for being trauma aware. Completing this course is the beginning of a much longer journey to establish consistency in the use of a trauma-informed approach.

Trauma-Informed Organisations

This half-day training course is offered as a webinar split into two parts of between 1.5 and 2 hours each.

This course is aimed at both those senior leaders who work with organisations/services focussed on children and young people AND those organisations/services who work with adults. This course aims to reinforce the strengths that many organisations will have in relation to Trauma Informed Practice. The course will also help learners to arrive at their own solutions about ways to further implement and embed a trauma informed organisational culture within their services and working environments.

Please note that this training is designed to be a starting point for being trauma aware. Completing this course is the beginning of a much longer journey to establish consistency in the use of a trauma-informed approach.

Click on the link below and choose one of the options. They will ask you to fill out a short form and then provide access to the course material.

Free Online Webinars – West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership

Friends Against Scams

This E-Learning programme has been put together by the Friends Against Scams

Learning Outcomes:

  • Types of scams
  • How to spot a victim
  • Spot the signs
  • Top tips – How to protect yourself and others
  • Reporting scams

E-Learning Training on Scams

This E-Learning programme has been put together by the Home Office

Objective: To provide an overview of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and professionals’ safeguarding responsibilities in FGM cases

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand what FGM is and distinguish the four types of FGM
  • Identify key health risks and consequences of FGM
  • Identify who is at risk of FGM and describe key indicators
  • Be aware of your role in preventing FGM and supporting those who have undergone FGM

E-Learning Training on FGM Awareness

This is a Government and Virtual College E-Learning programme

Objective: To provide an awareness of forced marriages and how to respond

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognise the warning signs
  • Take the right actions to help protect the potential victim
  • Co-operate effectively with other agencies

E-Learning Training on Forced Marriage

This animation from the Home Office illustrates how public sectors under the Prevent duty work together to stop radicalisation. Adam tells his story of how he started to become radicalised online. The animation then describes how frontline staff in contact with Adam notice, check and share the signs of radicalisation, referring Adam to Prevent to then receive support through the Channel programme.

The animation is aimed at public sector workers under the Prevent duty.

This E-Learning programme has been put together by the Home Office.

The Prevent awareness eLearning has recently been refreshed. This includes updates to reflect the recommendations from the Parsons Green review, updated information following the change in threat and attacks of 2017, and new case studies.

E-Learning Training on Prevent

This E-Learning programme has been put together by the Home Office.

The training is for anyone who has been through the Prevent awareness eLearning or a Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP), and so already has an understanding of Prevent and of their role in safeguarding vulnerable people.

The training follows on from the Prevent awareness training (available above) which introduces users to the NOTICE-CHECK-SHARE procedure for evaluating and sharing concerns relating to radicalisation. The package shares best practice on how to articulate concerns about an individual, and ensure that they are robust and considered.

It is aimed at anyone who may be in a position to notice signs of vulnerability to radicalisation and aims to give them confidence in referring on for help if appropriate. It is also designed for those (for example line managers) who may receive these referrals and have to consider how to respond, whether that be establishing more context, or reaching out to partner agencies for support

E-Learning Training on Prevent

This E-Learning programme has been put together by the Home Office.

This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel.

It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting. It covers both an introduction to what Channel is, how it operates in the user’s region, and how to organise a Channel Panel for the first time. In response to feedback, it also covers information sharing, including how, when and with whom to share information of a Channel case. A link to the Channel Panel training is below.

E-Learning Training on Channel