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Learning from National Reviews

Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in England are overseen by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review National Panel. The National Panel can choose to commission national case reviews and produce national thematic reports on issues which represent national challenges which set out recommendations and findings for safeguarding partnerships to use locally.

Information on the National Panel can be found here: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – GOV.UK (


CSPR Panel: Practice Guidance

Updated guidance on what the National Panel does can be found here:

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel guidance for safeguarding partners (

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – Annual Report 2021 (published December 2022)

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel 2021 – annual report (

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – Annual Report 2020 (updated May 2021)

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel: annual report 2020 – GOV.UK (

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel – Annual Report 2018 – 2019 (published March 2020)

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel: annual report 2018 to 2019 – GOV.UK (

Safeguarding children with disabilities in residential settings (Phase 1 – October 2022 and Phase 2 – April 2023)

This review sets out recommendations and findings for national government and local safeguarding partners to protect children at risk of serious harm. It examines allegations of abuse and neglect to children living in 3 private residential settings located in Doncaster.

Safeguarding children with disabilities in residential settings – GOV.UK (


National review into the murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson (May 2022)

This review sets out recommendations and findings for national government and local safeguarding partners to protect children at risk of serious harm. It examines the circumstances leading up to the deaths of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson and considers whether their murders reflect wider national issues in child protection.

National review into the murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson – GOV.UK (


“The Myth of Invisible Men” Safeguarding children under 1 year old from non-accidental injury caused by male carers (September 2021)

This review sets out recommendations and findings for national government and local safeguarding partners to better protect children under 1 year old from non-accidental injury. It is a qualitative study of 23 cases from 19 local areas regarding children who died or experienced serious harm, and their father or male carer was the known or suspected perpetrator.

Safeguarding children under 1 year old from non-accidental injury – GOV.UK (


 ‘Out of Routine’ – Safeguarding children at risk from sudden unexpected infant death (July 2020)

This review sets out recommendations and findings for government and local safeguarding partners to better protect infants from sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI). The aim is to identify what might have been done differently and how to improve approaches to embed safer sleeping advice in families with children considered to be at risk of significant harm through child abuse or neglect.

Safeguarding children at risk from sudden unexpected infant death – GOV.UK (


‘It was Hard to Escape’ – Safeguarding children at risk from criminal exploitation (March 2020)

This review sets out recommendations and findings for government and local safeguarding partners to protect children at risk of criminal exploitation. It is a qualitative study of 21 cases from 17 local areas regarding children who died or experienced serious harm where criminal exploitation was a factor.

Safeguarding children at risk from criminal exploitation – GOV.UK (

Multi-agency safeguarding and domestic abuse paper (September 2022)

This briefing paper is part of an ongoing series of publications to share information arising from work undertaken by the panel with:

  • safeguarding partners
  • those working in child protection

This paper sets out key findings from a thematic analysis of rapid reviews and local child safeguarding practice reviews where domestic abuse featured. It summarises the most common themes that emerged in relation to multi‑agency safeguarding for children who are victims of domestic abuse and includes examples of practice and recommendations.

Multi-agency safeguarding and domestic abuse paper – GOV.UK (


The management of bruising in non-mobile infants paper (September 2022)

This briefing paper from the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel is part of an ongoing series of publications to share information arising from work undertaken by the panel with:

  • safeguarding partners
  • those working in child protection

This paper explores the current guidance on the management of bruising in non‑mobile infants in the light of published evidence and variations in practice.

The aim of this paper is to support safeguarding partners in reviewing their current policies on bruising in non-mobile infants and to make recommendations on how the evidence base and national guidelines can be further developed.

The management of bruising in non-mobile infants paper – GOV.UK (